on-going opportunities
WORKSHOPS - graduates of the PIES programme may apply to lead MAKING PIES workshops. Fee: £50 per workshop
SALES COMMISSIONS - for members who sell packages to sponsors to support publications, Poets in Post, prizes, campaigns and so forth. Email us to find out more.
EDITORIAL SERVICES - qualified members may promote their services. Email us to find out more. A sample can be read here.
BOOK SALES - Have your book available through our shop. We sell about 500 books a year.
For anyone who knows how hard it is to sell books, that's an impressive number.
If you would like your titles in our online shop, the short version is:
You can have your title in our bookshop.
Either we dispatch, or we pass the order to you, and you dispatch.
Either way, we take 10% of the books sale value
If we dispatch, we also take the costs of packaging (50p usually),
plus the cost of 2nd class postage through Royal Mail.
Bear in mind that City of Poets is currently self-funding.
Selling your work is a means for us to generate income.
Read through the longer details here;
overall, whatever option chosen, we need:
a digital image of the cover
the retail price
a decision as to how you wish to manage postage and packing (P&P) costs (we can chew this through as to the best option...)
within the price?
as extra to the price?
a written commitment that if you manage your P&P that you will use eco-friendly P&P - this means recycled envelopes, provided they are not metallic/shiny/plastic, or new envelopes manufactured using recycled or non-dyed paper
any review comments
a brief description of you (which we can take from your bio we already have)
a brief descriptions of the work
a decision as to who does the dispatch
option one - you keep the stock, you sort the dispatch, we:
need a written undertaking that you will dispatch orders within three days of them being placed (so that SP SQUARE CIC does not get a bad rep)
take the payment, and pass 85% of it to you - Members, (that's you) get 90%. (Bookshops take at least 40%. Distributors? It's too painful to type...)
provide an account of sales, and pay out your cash between the end of any month and the 5th of the following month
option two - we keep the stock, we sort the dispatch, we:
need you to provide an agreed number of books to our nominated address
provide a written undertaking to you that we will dispatch orders within three days of them being placed
will use recycled envelopes stamped with City of Poets and provide you with a written commitment that we will use eco-friendly P&P - this means recycled envelopes, (provided they are not metallic/shiny/plastic) or new envelopes manufactured using recycled or non-dyed paper
take the payment and pass 85% to you (90% to Members) - less the cost of P&P, which
is dependent on the weight of the product
includes staff time to pack and post
presently generates no charge for storage
provide an account of sales and pay out your cash between the end of any month and the 5th of the following month
Have a think and let us know. You may want to check with your publisher first and confirm that they are happy for your books to be listed for sale on other online outlets.
BLOG POSTS - if you would like to post a blog on our website, by all means send us fewer than 200 words. If published, as an appreciation we will send you £5 via a PayPal account.