one-off opportunities
10 members sought to staff the WORD SALAD board
in the Tramway Foyer
at Healing Arts Scotland (HAS) national event
with Scottish Ballet, World Health Organisation (WHO).
Here is a link to our mention on their website where we are listed
as participants in the evening finale, and where a group photo from the launch of
Glasgow City of Poets Annual Review 2023 is featured in the gallery.
Applications open: June 30, 2024
Support to members for attending: £50
for full day’s attendance August 21, 2024 9.30am - 6pm
plus guaranteed access to the concert finale.
The money for this is not to be understood as 'wage' or an hourly rate.
This £50 is to try and offset loss of earnings for people in work.
Many older people have both time and income, whereas younger people can be excluded..
The £50 is paid for from City of Poets own coffers, as is everything we do.
If you don't need it, please don't claim for it.
This event gives members an opportunity to:
add to their CVs,
indicating their involvement with national organisations such as Scottish Ballet,
Healing Arts Scotland, and the World Health Organisation, which has an international profile
work together to co-generate poetry
on the day with other members and the public
to a 600+ person concert event
The first part of the activity involves:
• meeting the public, engaging them in conversation,
• encouraging them to add words to the salad boards
The second part of the activity involves:
working with interested members of the public between 4pm and 6pm
to co-create 5 poems commemorating the 5 themes of HAS, which this year are
loneliness and isolation;
youth mental health;
confinement's impact on creativity and wellbeing;
and finally NHS social prescribing
(where the health value of arts and community is clinically recognised.)
The third part of the activity will involve:
up to 5 members presenting/performing each of the resulting poems
as part of the concert finale.
please email your interest in being one of the staff by July 31, 2024 using this form. ​