PIES programme
MAKING PIES - 6 workshops - £180 per person*
a series of six workshops to bring out the inner, often hidden poet
PIES refers to a person's Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual self.
Poetry often acts as a unifying 'glue' leading to a greater sense of wholeness.
Workshops begins with sharing work. The aim of the course is to equip poets with tools, develop confidence, and to safely try out
new things. We look at Audience, Rhyming, Metre & Rhythm;
Imagery; Presentation: Voice.
Homework is set and the session leader is available by email throughout the duration of the 6 weeks to comment privately on
any work. Sessions are weekly, in person, for an hour+.
4 places min, 6 places max.
Next course: begins in the Spring, 2025.
Dates, times and venue to be confirmed.
*£150 for CoP members, membership is free.

​​​​​Click on a cover to purchase
POETRY, PIES, & BEYOND - 6 workshops - £180 per person*
the much awaited follow-up course to MAKING PIES
PIES refers to a person's Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Spiritual self. Poetry often acts as a unifying 'glue' leading to a greater sense of wholeness.
Six intensive sessions are designed to result in a core of themed work aimed at publication. Participants have the option to have their work published in the City of Poets TEXTures series (issn 3049-4621). 32 page full-colour booklets may also include Illustrations. While the aim of the course is for each participant to have their own published volume, none is obligated to produce a booklet.
Decisions have to be made, collegiate advice is available, as well as guidance from the course leader. The pace is fast, and work is required between sessions, from BOTH participants AND the workshop coordinator.
In addition to experiencing tasks involved in curating a collection, participants are also exposed to publishing and print processes.
Understanding editing, copy-editing, proof-reading, typesetting etc are key to a successful published career and equip a poet to be a good client that publishers favour working with.
Workshop places are only available to those who have completed MAKING PIES.
4 places min, 6 places max.
Next course: begins Autumn 2025. Dates and times yet to be announced.
*£150 for CoP members, membership is free. Fee reduction info from The Wee Retreat.