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City of Poets

Promotional opportunities

The benefit of these promotional opportunities, for which no fees are paid, are: 

widening a poet’s experience through increased critical and editorial skills, as well as development of team working. Judging and editing also add to your CV. In the case of having work in the Annual Review, or being quoted on newsletters, these are means to get your work out there, have new eyes reading it, and being able to add being published to your CV.

Your contributions to these activities also assist CoP in its self-sustainment. 


JUDGING - TINY PRIZE - a monthly commitment to decide the winner.


EDITING - ANNUAL REVIEW - editing experience plus front cover credit


CONTRIBUTING - all members are entitled to be in the annual review. Members are also encouraged to submit work to INCREDIBLE EDIBLE CREATIVES website, for a wider international readership. 


QUOTES - from the Annual Review forming header and footer of other organisations newsletters

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© 2024 by City of Poets

City of Poets is wholly self-financing, having undertaken work with​

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​City of Poets currently nests within SP Square CIC - a community interest company registered in Scotland • Co. Reg. No. SC682901 - EORI GB 0846 3369 3000  • • Privacy

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