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Collective Inclusion
I like to say all there really is to do in the small town where I am from is drink and pay rent. As a biracial, bisexual, non-binary individual, it was certainly an interesting place to be brought up, and I faced my share of hardships. I use those experiences to power my artistry, writing a lot about my perspective on life. I started writing a lot more this past year, as a way to process what’s happened and what continues to happen, and as a way of using the voice I was given to try and give back. I recently gained the confidence to start sharing my work, and latterly have been posting poems on Instagram.
Connection to Glasgow
I am from a small town in Fife, and Glasgow has always been my favourite city. From going to football games as a kid with my dad, to getting to help my nieces and nephews experience the same wonder in the city I used to feel when I was small, people make Glasgow and Glasgow’s people have always been the ones I’ve found myself wanting to be around most.

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