Tiny Prize
Our winner for March 2025,
writing about the theme RISING, is
Peter is the happy winner of the princely sum of £5!
Here is the poem,
You must be mistaken sir.
Take it from me, that person
you seek is dead. I agree
with your sharp observation
that I still breathe. Very true,
but observant friends will see
a former version of me
now sloughed off by the new one
I had been afraid to be.
The man who was me had to
die in order to rise in a form
I hope those around me
may recognise, not from the
guise I used to wear but from
something deeper surfacing
City of Poets offers the monthly TINY PRIZE to any poet registered on our website. Entry is free.
The prize is worth £5, and one could be forgiven for thinking it's not worth it. It is...
• a poet is recognised • winning can go on a CV • £5 still just about buys a drink •
• it adds to a local buzz about poetry 12 times a year•
• your work is shared across our social media platforms and City of Poets community •
Themes for 2025 are:
February - The River • March - Rising • April - Fresh
May - Sing • June - Play • July - Mother • August - Ocean
September - Strong Convictions • October - Folklore • November - Unravelling • December - Endings
There is NO Tiny Prize for January 2025, a month of rest.
Submissions must be by email only, and only from poets registered with City of Poets. Please put in the subject line: "TINY PRIZE - xyz month - xyz theme"
Submit 18 lines or fewer within the body of the email - no attachments. Closing date for submissions is the 15th of each preceding month -
for example, to submit for May - Spring,• please ensure that we receive it by 15 April.
Submission, results will be notified on the last day of the month preceding publication. Publication will be on or before the 1st of the following
month to which the submission's theme refers. £5 prize will be credited to the PayPal account of your choosing by the 15th of the month of publication..
the City of Poets judges, 2024/2025, are Allan H, Brian Hill, Craig Andrew Robertson and Suzy Berry.
Regrettably, shortage of time does not permit us to enter into correspondence about the results of the TINY PRIZES.